ID Service Rate per 1000 Min order Max order
Average time

Telegram Members Telegram Members

43 Telegram Members [10-15k/hour speed] [Instant start] [Non Drop 120D 0%] [100k] $2.31 500 30 000 1 hour 17 minutes
Start: Instant start
Speed: 100k/day
30k - completed in 1 hour
107 Telegram Members HQ ~100k/day speed | Instant start | Non Drop 180D 0% | 200k $2.67 10 50 000 18 minutes
118 ⚡️🚀Telegram Members ~50k/day speed | Start 0-1 sec | Non Drop 30D 0% [+10% OverFlow] All types Links $1.30 10 50 000 Not enough data
46 Telegram Members ♻️R90 EN [30k/day speed] [Instant start] [Non Drop 90D 0%] [100k] $2.30 10 60 000 Not enough data
54 Telegram Members [5-10k/hour speed] [Instant start] [Non Drop 90D] [100k] $1.53 100 100 000 Not enough data
48 Telegram Members MIX EN [10k/hour speed] [Instant start] [Non Drop 90D 0%] [200k] $2.30 10 100 000 Not enough data
Start: Instant start
49 Telegram Members MIX [50-100k/day speed] [Instant start] [Non Drop 210D 0%] [100k] Exclusive $2.97 10 100 000 55 hours 8 minutes
45 Telegram Members for Bot 🤖 Start ~Fast | Non Drop/Instant start $2.13 100 50 000 Not enough data
47 Telegram Members RU🇷🇺 HQ [50-100k/hour speed] [Instant start] [Non Drop 30D 0%] [300k] All types Links $2.20 10 200 000 12 hours 17 minutes
All types of Links work
119 Telegram RU🇷🇺 HQ Members [50k/hour speed] [Instant start] [Non Drop 60D] [500k] $2.74 10 500 000 Not enough data
All types of Links work
44 Telegram Members MIX China🇨🇳~30k/day speed | Instant start | Non Drop 90D 0% | 50k $2.24 10 70 000 Not enough data
52 Telegram Members China🇨🇳 [50k/day speed] [Instant start] [Non Drop 150D] [100k] $2.55 10 100 000 Not enough data
55 Telegram Members Arabic🇦🇪 [REAL] [20-30k/day speed] [Instant start] [Non Drop 120D] [50k] $2.23 10 10 000 Not enough data
50 Telegram Members India🇮🇳 HQ [20k/day speed] [Instant start] [Non Drop 120D] [100k] $2.31 10 50 000 Not enough data

Telegram Views Telegram Views

77 Telegram Post Views MIX 🌎 $0.04 100 1 000 000 36 hours 46 minutes
78 Telegram Post Views MIX 🌎💎 $0.09 100 1 000 000 58 hours 42 minutes
79 Telegram Post views MIX ( fast ) $0.10 100 250 000 14 minutes
➡️ Start: 0-6 hours
- As a rule, instantly, but the time is indicated based on possible work on the server
➡️ Speed: up to 150,000 per day on 1 link
ℹ️ Public links only
- From 3 or more posts in the channel.
- Illegal or strange topics will be cancelled, please contact support for cancellation. Order the appropriate rates.
80 Telegram Post views MIX 🌎 ( Very fast 🚀 ) $0.39 100 250 000 25 minutes
➡️ Start: 0-30 minutes
➡️ Speed: up to 1,000,000 per day per 1 link
ℹ️ Public links only
81 Telegram Post views MIX ( Ultra fast ⚡️) | Always working $0.50 100 10 000 000 Not enough data
ℹ️ Reactions are added only if you have them enabled, otherwise you will only get views. The percentage of reactions coming to the post depends on the volume of your order. We do not guarantee that reactions will be added, but as a rule, we add them.

➡️ Start: 0-30 minutes
➡️ Important: This is a stable server (aleways works)
➡️ If you don't have views (which happens very rarely) - write to support, we will fix the situation and make you views
➡️ Speed: up to 100,000 per day on 1 link
ℹ️ Public links only
83 Telegram Post views MIX 🌎 Up to 40,000 per day $0.05 150 40 000 Not enough data
➡️ Start:
- Minimum start: 5 minutes
- Average start: 2 hours
- Maximum start: 72 hours
➡️ What distinguishes from stable ones: limited servers, small volumes of proxies/cooks (so small databases), not dedicated servers, less stable protection against the influence of anti-bot activities from Telegram. If stable ones work at the time of Telegram's introduction of bot protection, these views may work unstable at these moments.
➡️ Suitable only for public posts
- Do not order for posts in chats
- Do not order for posts in hidden groups
- Do not order for user messages (comments)
➡️ Standard technical views.

Telegram Views AUTO for old / new posts Telegram Views AUTO for old / new posts

56 🌎 Auto-views MIX $0.05 20 10 000 000 44 minutes
Quick start.
Speed up to 200k per day.

You can leave the field ‘Number of future posts’ empty and set the end date. Thus the subscription will work until a certain day for any period of time: a week, a month, a year.
86 🌎 Auto-views MIX 💎 $0.15 100 250 000 24 minutes
➡️ Why there is no price: the price is calculated when creating each order (1 order = 1 post) - you must have money on the balance, otherwise the order will be in the status of pause.

➡️ How to order:
1) Username: link or channel name through @ (be careful with spaces, they should not be on the right and left - the form is sensitive to filling)
2) New posts: the number of future posts that require views (if not necessary - put 0)
3) Old posts: the number of already published posts that require views (if not necessary, put 0)
4) Number: number of views for each post (100 and 100 = 100 views if you specify 100 and 250 = any number from 100 to 250)
5) Delay: set the value to 10 or 15 - these are the optimal values.
6) End date: the field is not required


➡️ Start: 0-1 hour
➡️ Speed: up to 150,000 per day for 1 link
ℹ️ Only public links
108 🌎 Auto-views MIX (Very fast 🚀) $0.39 100 10 000 000 Not enough data
➡️ Why there is no price: the price is calculated when creating each order (1 order = 1 post) - you must have money on the balance, otherwise the order will be in the status of pause.

➡️ How to order:
1) Username: link or channel name through @ (be careful with spaces, they should not be on the right and left - the form is sensitive to filling)
2) New posts: the number of future posts that require views (if not necessary - put 0)
3) Old posts: the number of already published posts that require views (if not necessary, put 0)
4) Number: number of views for each post (100 and 100 = 100 views if you specify 100 and 250 = any number from 100 to 250)
5) Delay: set the value to 10 or 15 - these are the optimal values.
6) End date: the field is not required


ℹ️ Reactions are added only if you have them enabled, otherwise you will only get views. The percentage of reactions coming to the post depends on the volume of your order. We do not guarantee that reactions will be added, but as a rule, we add them.

➡️ Start: 0-10 minutes
➡️ If you don't have views (which is extremely rare) - write to support, we will fix the situation and make you views
➡️ Speed: up to 1,000,000 per day for 1 link
ℹ️ Only public links
109 🌎 Auto-views MIX (Ultra fast ⚡️) $0.53 100 10 000 000 Not enough data
➡️ Why there is no price: the price is calculated when creating each order (1 order = 1 post) - you must have money on the balance, otherwise the order will be in the status of pause.

➡️ How to order:
1) Username: link or channel name through @ (be careful with spaces, they should not be on the right and left - the form is sensitive to filling)
2) New posts: the number of future posts that require views (if not, put 0)
3) Old posts: the number of already published posts that require views (if not necessary, put 0)
4) Number: number of views for each post (100 and 100 = 100 views, if you specify 100 and 250 = any number from 100 to 250)
5) Delay: set the value to 10 or 15 - these are the optimal values.
6) End date: field is not required


ℹ️ Reactions are added only if you have them enabled, otherwise you will only get views. The percentage of reactions coming to the post depends on the volume of your order. We do not guarantee that reactions will be added, but as a rule, we add them.

➡️ Start: 0-30 minutes
➡️ Important: This is a stable server (works always)
➡️ If you don't have views (which is extremely rare) - write to support, we will fix the situation and make you views
➡️ Speed: up to 100,000 per day for 1 post
ℹ️ Only public links
57 🌎 Auto-views MIX with statistics 📈 $0.56 10 10 000 000 Not enough data
Quick start.
High speed of fulfilment.
Views from different countries with getting into statistics
🇷🇺 🇮🇳 🇨🇳 🇹🇷 🇸🇦 🇮🇱 🇰🇷 🇺🇸 🇩🇪

Contribute to lower channel ranking in search.

You can leave the ‘Number of future posts’ field empty and set an end date. Thus, the subscription will be valid until a certain day for any period: week, month, year.
65 🇷🇺 Auto-views ⟮ RU ⟯ $0.26 100 100 000 Not enough data
Quick start.
High speed of fulfilment.
Views from Russia with a hit in the statistics.

Help to increase the channel rating in search.

You can leave the field ‘Number of future posts’ empty and set an end date. Thus, the subscription will work until a certain day for any period of time: a week, a month, a year.
87 🌶️ Auto-views MIX for niches +18 💋 $0.31 100 2 000 000 Not enough data
➡️ Why there is no price: the price is calculated when creating each order (1 order = 1 post) - you must have money on the balance, otherwise the order will be in the status of pause.

➡️ How to order:
1) Username: link or channel name through @ (be careful with spaces, they should not be on the right and left - the form is sensitive to filling)
2) New posts: the number of future posts that require views (if not, put 0)
3) Old posts: the number of already published posts that require views (if not necessary, put 0)
4) Number: number of views for each post (100 and 100 = 100 views, if you specify 100 and 250 = any number from 100 to 250)
5) Delay: set the value to 10 or 15 - these are the optimal values.
6) End date: field is not required


➡️ Start: 0-10 minutes
➡️ Speed: 500,000 per day for 1 post
➡️ We only accept public links
➡️ Special tariff for topics +18
64 🇷🇺 Auto-views FAST 🚀 ⟮ RU ⟯ $0.19 100 200 000 Not enough data
Instant start.
Speed up to 1 million per day.
Views are added from Russian ip addresses. (in statistics do not get)

You can leave the field ‘Number of future posts’ empty and set the end date. Thus, the subscription will be valid until a certain day for any period: day, week, month, year.
76 🇷🇺 Auto-views REAL PEOPLE 💎 ⟮ RU ⟯ $4.69 50 100 000 Not enough data
Quick start.
High speed.
To get to the top. Views from Russia.
Banned topics will be cancelled.

You can leave the field ‘Number of future posts’ empty and set an end date. Thus, the subscription will work until a certain day for any period of time: a week, a month, a year.
62 🇺🇸 Auto-views ( USA ⟯ $0.15 50 500 000 Not enough data
Quick start.
High fulfilment rate.
Views from the USA with getting into the statistics.

Help to increase the channel ranking in search.

You can leave the field ‘Number of future posts’ empty and set an end date. Thus, the subscription will work until a certain day for any period of time: a week, a month, a year.
60 🇮🇳 Auto-views ( Indian ⟯ $0.27 50 100 000 Not enough data
Quick start.
High fulfilment rate.
Views from India with getting into the statistics.

Help to increase the channel ranking in search.

You can leave the field ‘Number of future posts’ empty and set an end date. Thus, the subscription will work until a certain day for any period of time: a week, a month, a year.
61 🇨🇳 Auto-views ⟮ China ⟯ $0.27 50 100 000 Not enough data
Quick start.
High fulfilment rate.
Views from China with getting into the statistics.

Help to increase the channel ranking in search.

You can leave the field ‘Number of future posts’ empty and set an end date. Thus, the subscription will work until a certain day for any period of time: a week, a month, a year.
63 🇹🇷 Auto-views ( Turkey ⟯ $0.27 50 10 000 Not enough data
Quick start.
High fulfilment rate.
Views from Turkey with getting into the statistics.

Help to increase the channel ranking in search.

You can leave the field ‘Number of future posts’ empty and set an end date. Thus, the subscription will work until a certain day for any period of time: a week, a month, a year.
75 💎 Auto-views REAL PEOPLE ⟮ CIS 🇧🇾 🇺🇦 🇰🇿 🇷🇺 🇺🇿 🇰🇬 🇲🇩⟯ $4.52 50 100 000 Not enough data
Quick start.
High speed.
To get to the top.
Banned topics will be cancelled.

You can leave the field ‘Number of future posts’ empty and set an end date. Thus, the subscription will work until a certain day for any period of time: a week, a month, a year.
66 🇷🇺 Auto-views from search 🔎 ⟮ RU ⟯ $0.28 100 100 000 Not enough data
Quick start.
High speed of fulfilment.
Live views from Russia with a hit in the statistics.

Help to increase the channel ranking in search.

You can leave the field ‘Number of future posts’ empty and set an end date. Thus, the subscription will work until a certain day for any period of time: a week, a month, a year.
73 🇷🇺 Auto-views from search 🔎 ⟮ RU ⟯ $0.33 100 100 000 Not enough data
Quick start.
High speed of fulfilment.
Views from the Russia with getting into the statistics.

Help to increase the channel ranking in search.

You can leave the field ‘Number of future posts’ empty and set an end date. Thus, the subscription will work until a certain day for any period of time: a week, a month, a year.
69 🇺🇦 Auto-views from search 🔎 ⟮ Ukraine ⟯ $0.32 50 15 000 Not enough data
Quick start.
High speed of fulfilment.
Live views from Ukraine with getting into the statistics.

Help to increase the channel ranking in search.

You can leave the field ‘Number of future posts’ empty and set an end date. Thus, the subscription will work until a certain day for any period of time: a week, a month, a year.
72 🇺🇸 Auto-views from search 🔎 ⟮ USA ⟯ $0.32 50 1 000 000 Not enough data
Quick start.
High speed of fulfilment.
Views from the USA with getting into the statistics.

Help to increase the channel ranking in search.

You can leave the field ‘Number of future posts’ empty and set an end date. Thus, the subscription will work until a certain day for any period of time: a week, a month, a year.
67 🇮🇹 Auto-views from search 🔎 ⟮ Italy ⟯ $0.31 50 10 000 Not enough data
Quick start.
High speed of fulfilment.
Views from Italy with getting into the statistics.

Help to increase the channel ranking in search.

You can leave the field ‘Number of future posts’ empty and set an end date. Thus, the subscription will work until a certain day for any period of time: a week, a month, a year.
68 🇨🇳 Auto-views from search 🔎 ⟮ China ⟯ $0.33 50 100 000 Not enough data
Quick start.
High speed of fulfilment.
Views from China with getting into the statistics.

Help to increase the channel ranking in search.

You can leave the field ‘Number of future posts’ empty and set an end date. Thus, the subscription will work until a certain day for any period of time: a week, a month, a year.
70 🇰🇿 Auto-views from search 🔎 ⟮ Kazakhstan ⟯ $0.32 50 10 000 Not enough data
Quick start.
High speed of fulfilment.
Live views from Kazakhstan with getting into the statistics.

Help to increase the channel ranking in search.

You can leave the field ‘Number of future posts’ empty and set an end date. Thus, the subscription will work until a certain day for any period of time: a week, a month, a year.
71 🇺🇿 Auto-views from search 🔎 ⟮ Uzbekistan ⟯ $0.32 50 30 000 Not enough data
Quick start.
High speed of fulfilment.
Live views from Uzbekistan with getting into the statistics.

Help to increase the channel ranking in search.

You can leave the field ‘Number of future posts’ empty and set an end date. Thus, the subscription will work until a certain day for any period of time: a week, a month, a year.
74 🇮🇳 Auto-views from search 🔎 ⟮ India ⟯ $0.35 50 100 000 Not enough data
Quick start.
High speed of fulfilment.
Views from India with getting into the statistics.

Help to increase the channel ranking in search.

You can leave the field ‘Number of future posts’ empty and set an end date. Thus, the subscription will work until a certain day for any period of time: a week, a month, a year.

Telegram Reactions 👍👎 for last or future posts (auto) Telegram Reactions 👍👎 for last or future posts (auto)

90 Telegram auto-reactions 👍🤩🎉🔥❤️ + views for old / new posts $0.98 50 150 000 5 hours 21 minutes
➡️ Why there is no price: the price is calculated when creating each order (1 order = 1 post) - you must have money on the balance, otherwise the order will be in the status of pause.

➡️ How to order:
1) Username: link or channel name through @ (be careful with spaces, they should not be on the right and left - the form is sensitive to filling)
2) New posts: the number of future posts to which reactions are required (if not necessary, put 0)
3) Old posts: the number of already published posts that require reactions (if not necessary, put 0)
4) Number: number of reactions for each post (100 and 100 = 100 reactions, if you specify 100 and 250 = any number from 100 to 250)
5) Delay: set the value to 10 or 15 - these are the optimal values.
6) End date: field is not required


➡️ Start: 0-30 minutes
➡️ Speed: 100K/Day
91 Telegram auto-reactions 👎😁😢💩🤮 + views for old / new posts $0.89 10 30 000 Not enough data
➡️ Why there is no price: the price is calculated when creating each order (1 order = 1 post) - you must have money on the balance, otherwise the order will be in the status of pause.

➡️ How to order:
1) Username: link or channel name through @ (be careful with spaces, they should not be on the right and left - the form is sensitive to filling)
2) New posts: the number of future posts to which reactions are required (if not necessary, put 0)
3) Old posts: the number of already published posts that require reactions (if not necessary, put 0)
4) Number: number of reactions for each post (100 and 100 = 100 reactions, if you specify 100 and 250 = any number from 100 to 250)
5) Delay: set the value to 10 or 15 - these are the optimal values.
6) End date: field is not required


➡️ Start: 0-30 minutes
➡️ Speed: 500-5K/Day

Instagram Followers Instagram Followers

120 🔥♻️R120 Instagram HQ Followers ~10k/hour speed | Start 0-1 min | Drop to 5% | FLAG ON ✅ $3.60 10 50 000 Not enough data

Instagram Likes Instagram Likes

89 ❤️ Likes (♻️R30) $0.05 10 500 000 56 minutes
- Fast start
- Mix profiles
105 ❤️ Likes (♻️ R365) ⚡️ $0.08 10 500 000 Not enough data
♻️Refill Button
- Mix profiles
103 ❤️ Likes ⚡️ $0.09 10 250 000 Not enough data
🔻 Drops: ~0-3%
- All profiles with avatars
95 ❤️ Likes $0.13 10 100 000 1 hour 12 minutes
📺 IGTV allowed
- All profiles with avatars
- No drops
101 💖 Likes (REAL + BOT)(♻️ R30) ⚡️ $0.15 10 30 000 8 minutes
📺 IGTV allowed
🔻 Drops: ~0-2%
🛡 Guarantee
♻️ Refill Button
- Accounts REAL + BOTS
- No drops
96 ❤️ Fast Likes + Impressions ⚡️ $0.17 10 50 000 2 hours 10 minutes
🔻 Drops: ~15%
📺 IGTV allowed
- All profiles with avatars
- Impressions & profile visits
100 💖 Likes RU $0.20 10 100 000 Not enough data
🔥 Exclusive service
🔻 Drops: ~3-5%
- Profiles with posts and avatars
- GEO: Russia Enter post link
92 💖 Likes RU + CIS (Guaranteed) ⭐️ $0.22 5 100 000 Not enough data
🔥Exclusive service
🔻Drops: ~8%
- No drops from Instagram
- Natural delivery speed
- Impressions & views
- Lifetime guarantee
97 💖 Likes REAL (guarantee) (♻️ AR45) HIT! ⭐️⭐️⚡️ $0.28 10 300 000 Not enough data
📺 IGTV allowed
🔻Drops: ~3%
🛡 Guarantee
♻️Auto - Refill 45 days
- Real people profiles with avatars and posts
- Russian profiles partly
- Impressions & views
- No drops
- 45 days guarantee
99 💖 Likes RU + CIS 100% (♻️ R90) ⭐️⭐️⭐️ HIT! $0.28 10 150 000 Not enough data
🔥Exclusive service
🔻Drops: ~3%
- REAL russian people
- High possibility to get into TOP
- Natural delivery speed
- Impressions & views
102 ❤️ Likes REAL+MIX instant ⚡️ ⚡️ $0.28 10 200 000 Not enough data
🔻 Drops: ~10%
📺IGTV allowed
- Mix profiles, possible real people
- Low drops
104 💖 Likes (REAL-PEOPLE) (♻️R30) ⭐️🔥 $0.38 10 300 000 Not enough data
🔥 Exclusive service
👑 High quality
🔻 Drops: ~3%
🛡 Guarantee
♻️ 30 days Refill button.
- REAL PEOPLE with avatars, posts and stories
- Can be active (like, watch stories, write comments)
106 💖 Likes MIX no drops (Instant) (♻️ R60)⭐️⚡️⚡️ $0.63 10 100 000 Not enough data
🔻Drops: ~0%
🛡 Guarantee
♻️ Refill Button
- Mix profiles with avatars and posts
- No drops
93 💖 Likes (Fast, non drops) ⭐️⚡️⚡️ $0.71 10 300 000 Not enough data
📺 IGTV allowed
🔻 Drops: ~0%
- No drops
- Impressions & visits
98 💖 Likes MIX + REAL ⚡️⭐️ $0.71 50 50 000 Not enough data
📺IGTV allowed
🔻 Drops: ~3%
- All profiles with avatars and posts
- A lot of real people
- Low drops
- It's allowed to order again
94 💖 Likes REAL MIX (fast start) ⭐️⭐️⭐️ HIT! $1.67 10 300 000 37 minutes
👑 Exclusive service
🔻 Drops: ~3%
- REAL PEOPLE, NO BOTS! Most part active users
- High possibility to get into #TOP
- Impressions & views

Instagram 🔄 shares (insights) for post, IGTV, Reel or story Instagram 🔄 shares (insights) for post, IGTV, Reel or story

114 🔁 Instagram shares for post, IGTV or Reel $0.28 100 5 000 000 Not enough data
110 🔁 Instagram shares (insights) for post, IGTV or Reel $1.29 100 2 000 000 Not enough data
➡️ Start: 0-10 minutes
➡️ Speed: 500K/Day
➡️ Suitable for all kinds of posts
➡️ So that you can read "shares/insights" connect a business account (the function is free and available through Instagram profile settings)
➡️ Specify only links to public profiles (we do not consider private profiles)
115 Instagram Shares | Max 500K $0.49 10 500 000 Not enough data
111 🔁 Instagram story shares $1.83 100 2 000 000 Not enough data
➡️ Start: 0-10 minutes
➡️ Speed: 500K/Day
➡️ Only public links
➡️ Provide a link to the Instagram story
- Example:

Instagram 🔄 shares (insights) for last or future posts, IGTV or Reels (auto) Instagram 🔄 shares (insights) for last or future posts, IGTV or Reels (auto)

112 🔁 Instagram AUTO shares (insights) for last or future posts, IGTV or Reels | Parental service ID 28481 $1.29 100 2 000 000 Not enough data
➡️ Start: 0-10 minutes
➡️ Speed: 500K/Day
➡️ Suitable for all kinds of posts
➡️ So that you can read "shares/insights" connect a business account (the function is free and available through Instagram profile settings)
➡️ Specify only links to public profiles (we do not consider private profiles)

Instagram Video Views 👁️ Reel+İGTV Instagram Video Views 👁️ Reel+İGTV

113 Instagram Video Views {All Links Max 999M} $0.11 100 2 147 483 647 2 minutes
Каптур Ульяна Игоревна ИНН 463311116147. Телефон +79513317648. Железногорск ул. Курская 76/2 кв 90. Почта